Female mule deer sounds
Female mule deer sounds

Males will also use their antlers to strip the bark off of saplings or low­hanging branches and paw at the ground to create a "scrape," an area of exposed earth that they mark with scent. Antler size is part of what determines social status in the herd, and a larger rack can increase mating chances. Mating occurs in the fall when males will fight by butting and dashing antlers to win access to a doe. One of the most interesting times to observe "whitetails" is during the mating, or rutting season. Just be careful not to startle one, or else all you'll see is the "white tail" waving good-bye.

female mule deer sounds

If you want to catch sight of the majestic and graceful whitetail, early morning and late afternoon, when the deer are feeding, is the best time to spot one. More and more non-hunters are joining them. Though hunters go afield with the goal of harvesting a whitetail, many spend the day simply watching this magnifi­cent creature. Thanks to the hard work of generations of conservationists, the deer population has been restored to its former glory. A brief history of the white-tailed deer in Oklahoma reads as follows: 1870s-deer abundant 1890s-reckless over-harvest by settlers 1910s­-barely 500 remain and deer seasons close 1930s-restoration begins 1980s-stable and abundant statewide herd restored. The white-tailed deer is the most popular big game ani­mal in Oklahoma, which is remarkable considering its near extinction at the turn of the century. They are also good swimmers and can retreat to streams and lakes to avoid predators. Even in dense forest, the deer can reach the speed of 40 miles per hour as they bound over obstacles. Not one to pass up a tasty treat, the white-tailed deer will also feast on flower and vegetable gardens if given the chance.īesides their senses of smell and hearing, whitetails' natural defense is their breathtak­ing speed.

female mule deer sounds

In winter when food is scarce, it will consume bark, buds, and the twigs of woody plants. The deer's diet changes with the seasons, from green plants in the spring and summer to acorns, corn, and other nuts in the fall. White-tailed deer are herbivores or plant-eaters. While some other hoofed mammals have permanent, hollow horns, male white-tailed deer grow and shed antlers every year once they reach the age of two. Its oversized ears aid the skittish creature in picking up the sounds of predators, and its small black nose detects even the faintest of scents. It has white markings around its eyes and nose, as well as on its throat and stomach. When the deer is alarmed or running, the tail is held conspicuously erect like a flag.

female mule deer sounds

The name "white-tailed deer" refers to the white underside of the rail. and addictive.Ī member of the Cervidae family, which also includes moose, elk, and caribou, the white-tailed deer has a thick can or brown coat in the summer that fades to grayish brown in the winter. This popular species ( Odocoileus virginianus) exists in all 77 Okla­homa counties, and many Oklahomans are discovering what hunters already know-watching the white-tailed deer can be fascinating. A quick flash of white, a burst of speed, and a white-railed deer bounds away on impossibly slender legs, almost gliding over the ground toward a curtain of concealing brush.

Female mule deer sounds